The originator of the word "idea" was Platón and it means vision, intellectual intuition.
An idea is the first act of human understanding, which is limited to the knowledge of something.
It is a mental representation that can be related to real or imaginary, material or immaterial, concrete or abstract aspects.
An idea is therefore pure and rational knowledge due to the characteristics and nature of human beings.
Imagination to invent and define a thing and when that happens, it is like a flash of light in the brain which we will call "Flash".
At kimGteg we like to define a Flash as that magical moment when everything flows, suddenly and when you least expect it, the inspiration comes, the idea, the solution to "that" you were thinking about. And when that happens, you have to capture it however you can, because that Flash can be the beginning of something very big.
The time has come to give value to your ideas, because the world cannot afford to lose so much talent in a drawer.
Sign up and make your Flashes come true.